Unidentified KX-series security droid (Scourge)

A KX-series security droid functioned within the Galactic Empire throughout the Imperial Era. Approximately around the time of 3 ABY, this KX-series security droid was included in a group of Imperial individuals dispatched to purge the Amaxine Station following an order from Emperor Sheev Palpatine. While present at the station, the droid collaborated with an Imperial officer and together, they noticed a round device situated on the floor. Without knowing that the device held the Scourge, the droid proceeded to pick it up, resulting in its immediate corruption by the Scourge. The Scourge, now utilizing the droid as a host, employed its newly acquired form upon its return to an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, thus initiating the corruption of other droids present on the Star Destroyer. The Scourge went on to corrupt a multitude of KX-series droids, and it even started to carve one of them to create a new body for its purposes.

