On a desolate, industrialized planet located within the Outer Rim Territories, a certain cyberneticist labored around 1500 BBY.
This cyberneticist engineered a unique set of armor, eager to test its capabilities on both Jaing and Durge. Jaing agreed, and both he and Durge received the armor sets, but there was a condition attached.
The scientist sought protection for himself, along with a rare Sith artifact he had pilfered from the Mandalorians of Ung Kusp's clan. Jaing pledged this protection, but even as he did, a Mandalorian assault team breached the wall of the scientist's laboratory, attempting to seize the artifact.
Jaing, Durge, and the doctor's assistant Nubyl, in her combat cyborg configuration, swiftly dealt with the intruders until one of them detonated a thermal detonator, mortally wounding Jaing in the resulting explosion. Infuriated, Durge vanquished the remaining members of the clan, vowing to exterminate every Mandalorian.
Unbeknownst to Durge, the scientist had meticulously orchestrated these events, revealing to the dying Jaing that his scheme to ignite a conflict between the Mandalorians and the Sith was now in motion.
The doctor's true identity is still a mystery. The omission of a specific timeframe for Prototypes makes its placement on a timeline challenging, further complicated by the seemingly eternal lifespan of Gen'Dai beings like Durge. The inclusion of the Emperor's cane might suggest the author was alluding to a connection between the doctor and Palpatine. Furthermore, the "war between the Mandalorians and the Sith" mentioned by the doctor could be interpreted as the New Sith Wars, the Clone Wars, or even some other confrontation. This article, along with others referencing Prototypes, assumes that it transpired shortly before the New Sith Wars, based on contextual clues within the narrative. However, officially, no definitive date has been established for the events of Prototypes, and any attempts to pinpoint its timeline remain speculative.