Unidentified Rebel trooper (Endor)

Before the renowned Battle of Endor, a specific member of the Rebel strike team found himself isolated and stranded on the forest moon.


Stranded on Endor

In the year 4 ABY, this Rebel trooper participated in the mission targeting the destruction of the Endor shield generator bunker. However, after excusing himself from the group, he became disoriented and consequently missed the pivotal battle. Unaware of the battle's outcome, the trooper remained isolated on Endor for a period of thirteen months.

In 5 ABY, the Rebel trooper's path crossed with an Imperial scout trooper who had similarly been abandoned. Their initial encounter escalated into a 45-minute conflict, eventually leading to an uneasy truce, characterized by a lack of camaraderie. The scout trooper threatened to detain the Rebel trooper, but his attempt to do so resulted in both of them being ensnared in a trap set by the indigenous Ewoks.

The Ewoks eventually returned, securing the scout trooper to a log while providing sustenance to the Rebel trooper. At the scout trooper's urging, the Rebel trooper convinced the Ewoks to release him upon their return to their village. During their time there, they were both offered a peace pipe. The scout trooper professed to be a changed man, questioning his previous orders, after which the Rebel trooper recounted the circumstances of his abandonment.

The Ewoks guided them to the shield generator's location, only to find it had been destroyed, confirming the Rebel victory. Resigned to a permanent stay on Endor, the scout trooper nearly despaired, but the Rebel trooper noticed a discarded AT-ST. While they inspected the vehicle's power cells, a Gorax launched an attack on the Ewoks who had been guiding them. The Rebel trooper utilized the walker's cannons to eliminate the creature, much to the dismay of the scout trooper, who wished to conserve the energy in the power cells. During their disagreement about the "circle of life," the Rebel trooper detected a massive structure on the radar, comparable in size to a small city and emitting an Imperial code.

Escape from Endor

Upon reaching the signal's origin, they discovered not a city, but a crashed Imperial Star Destroyer, a casualty of the battle. The vessel contained a functional communication substation and power plant, enabling the Rebel trooper to contact a passing freighter on a nearby trade route. He also learned that the signal was an automated distress beacon.

The following morning, the freighter arrived. However, the scout trooper chose to remain, explaining that the Rebel trooper was correct in his assessment that individuals like him had no place in a peaceful society. After a handshake and farewell, the Rebel trooper boarded the freighter.

