This particular scout trooper was a member of the Imperial force known as Tempest Force, whose duty was to guard the Endor shield generator bunker. While stationed on the Endor moon, the scout trooper's assignment was to maintain his position on its remote side. After a year passed with no communications received, he finally abandoned his post, encountering a Rebel trooper who had also been left behind on Endor, and discovering that the Rebels had triumphed over the Empire in the Battle of Endor.
Sometime before 4 ABY, the scout trooper enlisted in the Stormtrooper Corps, subsequently becoming a scout trooper. Like other new recruits, his training focused on obeying orders without questioning them or harboring personal hopes.
In 4 ABY, this scout trooper was chosen as part of a group of Imperials assigned to Tempest Force, tasked with protecting the Death Star II's shield generator. Before the Battle of Endor, he and his squad were positioned on the far side of the moon, after which they lost contact with their superiors and received no further instructions. They were unaware that the Rebels had won the battle and the Empire had withdrawn from the moon.
Over the next twelve months, the trooper's fellow squad members began to die, which affected him deeply and ultimately led to his abandonment of his post in 5 ABY. A month later, while riding his speeder bike, its battery failed. He soon came across a Rebel trooper who had also been left behind. The two fought for forty-five minutes before agreeing to a truce, although their relationship was far from friendly. The scout trooper threatened to take the Rebel trooper prisoner, but when he tried to subdue him, he inadvertently led both of them into a trap set by the native Ewoks.
The Ewoks eventually returned to their trap, tying the scout trooper to a log and giving the Rebel trooper food. The scout trooper insisted that the Rebel trooper convince the Ewoks to free him upon their return to their village, which he did. After being freed, they were both offered a peace pipe, and the scout trooper shared his history with the Rebel, who then shared his own. The scout trooper then produced a drawing of the Death Star's shield generator, showing it to the Ewoks and requesting that they take him to it.
The Ewoks guided the scout trooper and the Rebel to the shield generator's location, where they discovered that it had been destroyed and that the Rebels had emerged victorious in the battle. Resigned to being stranded on Endor, the scout trooper nearly lost hope, but the Rebel trooper noticed an abandoned AT-ST. While the pair were inspecting the leftover vehicle's power cells, a Gorax attacked the Ewoks who had been guiding them. The Rebel trooper used the walker's cannons to kill the beast, much to the dismay of the scout trooper, who wanted to conserve the energy in the power cells. The Rebel trooper then detected a structure on the walker's radar, about the size of a small city and transmitting an Imperial code.
Upon arriving at the signal's source, they realized it wasn't a city, but rather a Star Destroyer that had crashed onto the moon during the battle. The ship contained a communication substation and a functioning power plant, and the Rebel trooper managed to contact a passing freighter on a nearby trade route. He also learned that the signal was an automated evacuation signal.
The following morning, the freighter arrived. However, the scout trooper decided to remain behind, explaining that the Rebel trooper, who had previously stated that individuals like him had no place in a peaceful society, was correct. They shook hands and said goodbye, and the Rebel trooper boarded the freighter.
The scout trooper later let his hair grow out and watched the moon's sunsets from atop an AT-ST.