This Rodian was a member of a group of male Rodian smugglers who found themselves prisoner on the Leviathan, which served as the flagship for Darth Malak and was under the leadership of Admiral Saul Karath in 3956 BBY.
During the tumultuous times of the Jedi Civil War, this Rodian worked as a smuggler, operating on a freighter that traversed the hyperlanes. In 3956 BBY, the Leviathan, commanded by Admiral Saul Karath, apprehended the Rodian within Sith space. He was subsequently held prisoner, awaiting interrogation. The captain, first officer, and navigator had already been interrogated, their minds shattered by torment, leaving them raving and broken. Desiring to circumvent a similar outcome, this Rodian offered assistance to Revan and his allies in escaping Darth Malak's flagship. In return for his liberation from confinement, the Rodian smuggler pledged to supply an ICE breaker, a computer slicing tool capable of overriding security protocols.