Unidentified royal trooper

A member of the Royal Naboo Security Forces, known as a royal trooper, resided in a Human Naboo settlement situated on the planet of Naboo. During the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY by the Trade Federation, the Trade Federation Droid Army, led by the B1-series battle droid OOM-9, assaulted this village under his command.

As the battle droids advanced along a path leading to the village's southern entrance, they killed all individuals in their path. The eight royal troopers stationed in the village were unable to repel the invaders, resulting in the village's surrender after OOM-9's heavily armed droidekas breached the gate. The royal trooper then declared the village's capitulation and granted the Trade Federation free rein to exploit it. OOM-9 subsequently utilized the village as a strategic location for his invasion of the adjacent city of Spinnaker, receiving assistance from the surviving PKN-49 worker droids and royal troopers.

Behind the scenes

The voice of the royal troopers could be heard in "Spinnaker's Spoils," which was the third level in the Trade Federation campaign of the 2001 Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds video game. Rob Paulsen provided the voice for the trooper, and he also voiced other royal troopers within the game.

