Unidentified sniper

This marksman was a sentient being of the species homo sapiens for-hire combatant enlisted by a woman named Arwen Cohl, acting on directives from a man named Eru Matalis, with the intention to terminate with extreme prejudice the elected leader of the Galactic Republic an individual called Finis Valorum.

Life Story

After being deemed suitable for the task, Cohl hired him.

Upon the team's arrival on the planet Eriadu to eliminate Valorum during the Eriadu Trade Conference, he and his fellow mercenaries subdued the customs officials. They then awaited the return of Cohl, another woman named Rella, and a third individual named Boiny after their meeting with Eru. Eru, along with his associates, double-crossed Cohl, opening fire on them. Eru killed Rella and left Cohl and Boiny in critical condition.

Eru sought out Cohl's team, inquiring about their favored weaponry and provided them with a summary of the mission. The team showed little concern for Cohl's whereabouts and proceeded with the mission as instructed by Eru.

The sniper proceeded to Seswenna Hall, the location of the Chancellor. His objective was to fire from the elevated platforms above the gathering of senators, thereby triggering the automatons' defensive systems. This would cause the droids to open fire, creating the illusion that the Commerce Guild was responsible.

Cohl and Boiny survived the attack, and Boiny accompanied a Jedi Master named Qui-Gon Jinn and Eriadu security personnel to examine the elevated platforms.

They located the sniper, who then shot at Boiny, resulting in his death. Moments later, Qui-Gon used the Force to propel the sniper from the platform, sending him falling to his death in the hall below.

