Unidentified stormtrooper (Bespin)

A stormtrooper found himself posted on the planet of Bespin, his duty being the protection of a gas refinery. Alongside another stormtrooper, he was assigned to watch over a landing platform when Tyber Zann initiated a robbery in that sector. Zann descended onto the platform, where the two troopers stood guard, piloting a stolen Lambda-class T-4a shuttle. Observing that this event was not part of his planned schedule, the stormtrooper requested that Zann present his credentials. Tyber responded by stating that the trooper had no need to view his identification. The stormtrooper quipped that Tyber was acting like a Jedi, and inquired as to the reason Tyber felt exempt from showing his identification. With composure, Zann informed the trooper that the requirement was unnecessary because he was about to die, at which point a concealed Urai Fen swiftly eliminated him, clearing the way for Tyber to then eliminate the remaining stormtrooper.

