The Ground Battle on Bespin unfolded when Prince Xizor engaged Tyber Zann a fellow crime lord, tasking him with the theft of tibanna gas from the Galactic Empire on Bespin. Suspecting a setup, Zann devised a scheme to eliminate Xizor while retaining the tibanna gas for his own purposes, fabricating evidence within the computer systems to implicate Black Sun.
Shortly following the Imperial occupation of Bespin, the Zann Consortium accepted a proposition from Black Sun: the theft of tibanna gas from Cloud City in exchange for Black Sun arranging a meeting with Emperor Palpatine or one of his envoys. Tyber Zann, a crime lord believing this to be a ruse, plotted to leave behind evidence that would lead Imperial forces' Supreme Commander, Darth Vader, to suspect Xizor, the Underlord. Consequently, Zann enlisted the assassin droid IG-88 before the raid to infiltrate the Imperial computers of Bespin's central server cluster.
Upon landing on a Bespin platform, Tyber Zann, his bodyguard Urai Fen, and IG-88 were met by a pair of stormtroopers. Urai stealthily approached and eliminated one stormtrooper, while Tyber dispatched the other with a blaster shot. Zann Consortium troops soon arrived and received their orders.
While Urai directed five collector droids to gather the gas, Zann's soldiers eliminated the stormtrooper guards and destroyed the patrolling AT-ST's. Simultaneously, Tyber Zann planted incriminating evidence against Xizor at four security outposts, as IG-88A hacked into the Imperial database and acquired information on Tyber's target list.
Shortly after the mission's successful completion, as the forces were departing, Lord Vader himself arrived on the Bespin platform, accompanied by several Dark Side Adepts. The cyborg then killed the Field Commander for failing to prevent the tibanna gas theft. Recognizing his forces were no match for Vader and needing them to secure the evidence framing Xizor, Zann and his troops swiftly retreated to the landing zone for extraction.
Based on the evidence discovered on the platform, the Dark Lord of the Sith became convinced that the Black Sun's Underlord had masterminded the operation. Tyber Zann amassed a substantial sum of credits by selling a portion of the tibanna gas on the black market, while retaining the remainder to fuel his own ships.
Later, Grand Admiral Thrawn contacted Tyber sometime after the battle, revealing that while the planted evidence had persuaded Lord Vader of Prince Xizor's culpability, he himself had detected its unique signature. Instead of informing his superior, the Chiss commander permitted the Falleen gangster to be killed.
Players can eliminate Darth Vader and his Adepts upon their arrival by overwhelming the area in front of the landing zone with units and targeting them.
Early in the mission, a reference to a scene in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope occurs when a stormtrooper requests Zann's identification, prompting Zann to reply that the stormtrooper "doesn't need to see" his identification. The stormtrooper then remarks, "this one thinks he's a Jedi".
The player is also able to bring the heroes Bossk and Silri to the mission, though their presence is not mandatory. This marks the sole story mission in the campaign where all five Consortium heroes can be deployed.