Unidentified Twi'lek bounty hunter

This bounty hunter, a Twi'lek of the male persuasion, operated in the era after the New Sith Wars. In the year 987 BBY, this bounty hunter pursued Salto Zendar, eventually locating him at a hospital situated on Bandomeer, all in hopes of claiming the significant bounty offered by the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Upon reaching the hospital, the Twi'lek discovered Zendar not long after another hunter named Lucia. Without hesitation, he fired his blaster pistol, striking Lucia in the abdomen, and shoved aside Serra, the nurse present, in his haste to reach Zendar. He then proceeded to pull the fugitive into a corridor, only to be confronted by a group of rival bounty hunters. The skirmish concluded with the demise of Zendar, four of the attacking bounty hunters, and several innocent bystanders.

