Unidentified wealthy industrialist

During the rise of the Galactic Empire, a very rich industrialist sought vengeance against the Sith Lord Darth Vader. This was due to Vader murdering his only son. To achieve this, he hired nine assassins. However, Vader killed eight of them. In desperation after these failures, the industrialist resorted to having the ninth assassin attempt to eliminate Vader.


The industrialist after paying the price to hire the assassin.

Not long after the Declaration of a New Order, the industrialist was compelled to renegotiate contracts with various business figures, a process personally supervised by Darth Vader. This resulted in forced concessions to members of a Nautolan company. The industrialist's son, his sole heir, tried to prevent the deal by shooting at the representatives. However, Vader deflected the shot with his lightsaber and killed the son. Consumed by rage, the father resolved to have Vader assassinated in retribution. Sometime later, the industrialist traveled through a swampy planet with eighteen mercenaries as escorts to find his latest hired killer, as the previous eight had failed to kill Vader, only three of which were confirmed dead. The assassin's associate initially refused him entry, but while he pleaded, the assassin silently killed his entire mercenary force. Discovering the massacre and facing the assassin's demand to leave, the man begged to hire him, willing to pay anything for vengeance. Upon agreeing to the terms, the industrialist, to fulfill the condition of "not seeing nor hearing the assassin again," had his eyes gouged out and heavily bandaged, and his ears similarly treated. He then departed for his mining facility, satisfied at the prospect of his son's revenge.

Ultimately, after dealing with the hired assassin, Vader located the industrialist, although it was claimed that the man had taken his own life. In truth, Vader arrived at the mining facility, impersonating the assassin. Upon entering the industrialist's office, Vader presented him with the assassin's helmet instead of his own mask. The industrialist immediately recognized Vader and willingly allowed Vader to kill him with his lightsaber, accepting his failure to avenge his son.

