This Yinchorri officer participated in a scheme orchestrated by the Galactic Empire with the goal of assassinating Princess Leia Organa.
Shortly before the Battle of Endor, Imperial forces under the direction of Governor Marcellin Wessel took the Yinchorri Council of Elders as prisoners. Wessel used blackmail against the Yinchorri who remained free, promising to release the council if they handed over the Rebel leader, Princess Leia Organa. The Yinchorri were scheduled to have a meeting with Organa to discuss the possibility of joining the Rebel Alliance. The Yinchorri commander, along with two other Yinchorri, departed in a shuttle to meet with the Princess.
After picking up Organa, the Yinchorri commander and the shuttle pilot headed back to Yinchorr. As they entered the planet's atmosphere, a pair of TIE fighters appeared to escort the shuttle to Wessel's location. The Yinchorri commander drew a blaster on Organa and restrained her in her seat, intending to deliver the Rebel leader to the Imperials. The commander instructed his pilot to land the shuttle, with the intention of immediately turning Organa over to the Imperials. However, Wessel's plan was to simply eliminate the Rebel leader, and the two TIEs began firing on the shuttle. The commander was taken by surprise by this betrayal, and he was caught off guard when Organa stood up and knocked him to the ground.
Organa, drawing on her prior experiences with Imperial betrayals, quickly took control of the situation. She instructed the pilot to perform evasive maneuvers while she took control of the shuttle's blaster cannon. Organa managed to destroy one of the TIE fighters, but the remaining TIE pilot continued to pursue the shuttle. The commander told his pilot to accelerate in order to evade the starfighter, but the Imperial pilot was still able to shoot down the shuttle. Organa disabled the TIE fighter simultaneously, but it was too late to save the shuttle. The craft crashed in the open desert. Organa was the only survivor, as she was strapped into the shuttle's turret. All the Yinchorri aboard the shuttle died in the crash, including the Yinchorri commander.