Unidentified Zabrak Jedi (Battle of Alderaan)

A male Zabrak, a member of the Jedi Order, fought during the Great Galactic War. At the height of that war, this Jedi participated in the Battle of Alderaan, where he engaged in lightsaber combat with the Sith Lord Darth Malgus as the Imperial forces retreated from the planet. During his duel with Malgus, the Zabrak and his ally Vorin both met their deaths.


Battle with Malgus and death

After Malgus's defeat on Alderaan, he detected the presence of a Jedi within a ruined city on the planet. Seeking vengeance for his loss, Malgus commanded his shuttle pilot to reverse course and position the craft above the city. Disregarding the pilot's objections, Malgus jumped from the shuttle to confront the Jedi amidst the ruined streets. Upon landing, the Sith challenged the Jedi. A Zabrak Jedi emerged from a nearby building, recognizing Malgus and activating his two lightsabers to face him, displaying his knowledge of the Jar'Kai lightsaber combat style. Malgus charged towards the Zabrak Jedi, but was surprised when his opponent used the Force to collapse two buildings (constructed from duracrete and steel) on either side of the street, attempting to crush the Sith Lord. Trapped beneath the rubble, Malgus used the Force to prevent himself from being crushed. The dust made breathing difficult. Consumed by his desire for revenge, Malgus failed to fully assess the power of his Jedi opponent. Summoning his will, he contained his anger, transforming it into a tool to amplify his strength. With the Force, he hurled tons of debris away from himself. The rubble crashed onto nearby buildings. Malgus leaped over the pile, landing in the street. The Zabrak Jedi was stunned by the display. Malgus charged again, engaging his opponent in a fierce lightsaber duel. Malgus unleashed a rapid series of lightsaber strikes, preventing the Zabrak Jedi from launching any counterattacks. The Jedi retreated, desperately deflecting Malgus's blows. Malgus's lightsaber created red arcs in the air as he pressed his attack. His opponent continued to yield ground. Malgus soon realized that the Zabrak Jedi was using him as bait. Malgus enhanced his Force senses, detecting a faint presence of another Jedi nearby. This Jedi was concealed within the ruins, using the Force to mask his presence. Malgus unleashed a series of overwhelming strikes on the Zabrak Jedi, then used a Force-enhanced spinning kick to knock him aside. He then used the Force to grip the second Jedi, pulling him from his hiding place and crushing his windpipe. The death of the second Jedi enraged the Zabrak Jedi, who charged at Malgus. However, the Sith Lord unleashed a powerful burst of Force lightning, overwhelming the Jedi's defenses and burning his flesh. Despite the pain, the Jedi staggered forward, using his lightsabers to shield himself, taking one step at a time. Malgus channeled more power, forcing the Jedi to his knees, who screamed in agony. Malgus's lightning engulfed the Jedi, leaving dark wounds on his body, and his lightsabers fell to the ground. The Zabrak Jedi was broken by the attack, but still alive. The Sith Lord paused to observe the look of defeat in the Jedi's eyes before impaling him. He recalled the third and final lesson from his foster father — sometimes there was just an empty cage — while rejoining his forces in retreat.

Following the battle on Alderaan, Daru healed Malgus, but the wounds he suffered to his jaw during the battle required him to wear a respirator mask to cover his nose, mouth, and neck.

