The Unification Gala stood out as a highly favored festival during the Capital Season. A noble house of Tapani would host the event, which took place on Crispos Isle, situated in the equatorial ocean of Procopia. Although the Gala commemorated the unification of the worlds within the Tapani sector by Shey Tapani more than 6,000 years prior to the Battle of Yavin, it essentially served as a pretext for a lavish celebration.
Before the Battle of Endor, Lady Peta Lactril from House Barnaba was the host of the Unification Gala.
- Lady Peta Lactril , House Barnaba - The Hostess
- Sir Ajax Wennel , House Cadriaan
- Lady Wineth Lastemin
- Colonel Raibat , House Reena ( Imperial Army )
- Baroness Balmai Wyngarde , House Melantha
- Sir Trevas Jotane , House Calipsa ( ISB )
- Baroness Mellona Gantrolo , House Pelagia