Variise and Sconn fight on the walker Designated as Unit 718-A, this All Terrain Armored Transport was seized by the thief Sienn Sconn along with Princess Kalieva K'ntarr hailing from Rydonni Prime. The AT-AT originally belonged to Moff [Caerbellak]'s](/article/caerbellak) forces; however, Sconn absconded with a prototype weapon from Rythani Products and subsequently commandeered the AT-AT with Kalieva to facilitate their getaway. During a royal procession in Ryell, the capital city of Rydonni Prime, Sconn inadvertently piloted the vehicle. On the troop deck of the AT-AT, Sconn battled and triumphed over Variise of Caerbellak's Mistryl Shadow Guard, ultimately crashing the walker into the Rydonnian Imperial Consulate as a diversion.