Urrett's Marque, a bar situated on Level 1329 within the Coruscant Underworld, held the reputation as one of the most dangerous places on one of the most dangerous levels of Coruscant. During the time of the Galactic Empire, Han Solo and Chewbacca spent time at the bar while the Millennium Falcon was grounded on the planet for a week, with hopes of finding employment before their departure. At the bar, the smugglers were approached by Alinka Aloo and her group of bodyguards, who, after some questioning, provided Solo with a card containing her address, instructing them to visit her home later that evening, ostensibly to discuss a job offer. Urrett's Marque's menu included fried nerf nuggets; following the interaction with Aloo, Chewbacca placed an order, concerned that if the job turned out badly, he might not have another satisfying meal for a while.
The junior novel The Mighty Chewbacca in the Forest of Fear!, penned by Tom Angleberger and released in 2018, marked the initial appearance of Urrett's Marque. Its moniker was derived from Mark Turetsky, an audiobook narrator, friend of the author, and the voice behind many of Angleberger's works, notably the Origami Yoda series.