Vacander functioned as an operative for Filar-Nitzan intelligence, working as a spy.
Vacander, a being composed of gas, possessed the ability to remain virtually undetected and proved exceedingly difficult to subdue. His expertise lay in the acquisition of sensitive data. Notably, Vacander's operational method scrupulously avoided causing harm to individuals or infrastructure; his sole objective was the retrieval of information.
In his capacity as a spy, Vacander maintained connections with numerous high-ranking Imperial officials, prominent figures in organized crime, and the SoroSuub Corporation. Siin Suub regarded Vacander as one of his most valued industrial espionage agents. Nevertheless, neither Suub nor any of his associates ever discerned Vacander's true form or identity.
Although Vacander never acted in opposition to the interests of the Rebel Alliance, the Rebel Alliance Task Force deemed him a potential risk, leading them to initiate a five-month investigation headed by Lieutenant Colonel P. Essex Yerac. The resulting report was minimal, containing details of a bank account on Eczar and various designated message exchange locations throughout the galaxy. Yerac, however, encountered Vacander once while tracking independent bounty hunters in the dense fogs of Karap Valley, on Hewl. Veiled as the fog, Vacander abruptly revealed his crimson eyes to Yerac, cautioning him to maintain his distance.
Vacander was believed to be male, and it was known that he was fluent in multiple languages, including Galactic Basic Standard, Sullustese, and the Nikto language. While Vacander possessed broad knowledge of the criminal world, he was particularly familiar with the illegal activities on Kintan, the Nikto home planet.