Palpatine Essex Yerac

Palpatine Essex Yerac, more widely recognized as P. Essex Yerac, held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel within the Rebel Alliance.


Yerac participated in the Battle of Archais, presumably as a member of Midnight Squadron coming from Eclipse Team. During this conflict, with Rebel units cornered by both the Assassin's Guild and the forces commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Freja Covell, the Rebel officer Mosara Thiirn committed desertion, which caused a rapid decline in the situation for the Rebels. As a consequence of Thiirn's treason, many Rebels perished in the battle. Yerac's intense animosity toward Thiirn was common knowledge; General Airen Cracken was concerned for Thiirn's safety should Yerac ever locate her.

Yerac also pursued independent bounty hunters through the fog-laden areas of Hewl's Karap Valley. Abruptly, two red eyes emerged from the fog itself, instructing the Rebel to maintain a safe distance. Yerac complied, but was able to identify the "eyes" as the Filar-Nitzan spy named Vacander. Yerac later attempted to compose a report on Vacander for the Task Force on Alliance Security, but found it difficult to gather sufficient information.


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