The Vagaari stasis collar was a sophisticated blue-and-gold mechanism employed by the Vagaari race to halt a being's existence without actually killing them. These stasis collars were capable of being affixed to wolvkil, furry creatures utilized by the Vagaari Empire to assault their adversaries, Vagaari themselves, or their slaves. The collars could be programmed for delayed activation, enabling the Vagaari to stage surprise assaults.
During 22 ABY, Supreme Commander Estosh, General Bearsh, along with a contingent of other Vagaari, made use of several stasis collars to temporarily suspend the life functions of wolvkils carried on their shoulders. Upon gaining entry into a conference chamber situated within the remnants of the Outbound Flight colony starship located in the Redoubt star cluster, they deactivated the collars, unleashing their beasts to attack Jedi Knights Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, as well as several Chiss dignitaries.
The Vagaari stasis collar made its initial appearance, although without a specific designation, in the 2004 novel Survivor's Quest authored by Timothy Zahn. Six years subsequently, The Unknown Regions supplement for Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition Core Rulebook provided its formal name.