Vale was a planet situated within the Vale system. This system resided within the Atravis sector, which itself was located in the Western Reaches section of the Outer Rim Territories. During the year 13 BBY, an ambush occurred at Vale, targeting a squadron of the Galactic Empire. This squadron included the renowned Imperial starfighter pilot and celebrated figure Shea Hublin, who held the rank of Air Marshal for the Greater Seswenna region. Anti-Imperial rebels were responsible for the ambush. As a result of this battle, Hublin suffered the loss of a leg in addition to a significant portion of his arm. Following these injuries, he transitioned away from the Imperial Starfighter Corps and assumed a command position on the Imperial-class Star Destroyer known as the Kabalian Cross.
The planet Vale was initially referenced by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart within their 2012 publication, The Essential Guide to Warfare. Furthermore, the Online Companion, which accompanied the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, pinpointed the Vale system, and consequently Vale itself, within grid square L-19.