Vallikor En-Vahdi

Vallikor En-Vahdi, an Ipharian-Da'Lor bounty hunter of the male persuasion, was a regular at the Glow Dome, a prominent nightclub situated on Adarlon. Known for his extreme danger, he wielded a potent ancient artifact: a set of Nullifier Energy Diffusion Armor. While the Galactic Empire had engaged his services to locate members of the underground holovid collective 'No-Holds-Barred', his frequent visits to the club were also motivated by a personal ambition. He sought to acquire a prototype personal [holoprojector](/article/holoprojector/legends], rumored to be developed by the ingenious Dr. Lytos Urtell, which would grant him the ability to completely transform his appearance.


The past of Vallikor En-Vahdi, the Ipharian-Da'Lor bounty hunter of the male variety, remains shrouded in mystery. At some point in his life, he came into possession of his Nullifier Energy Diffusion Armor. The acquisition of this ancient artifact significantly enhanced his combat prowess; however, the circumstances surrounding its recovery remain unknown.

Personality and traits

Emulating many bounty hunters, he exhibited traits of danger, cruelty, and sadism. He found pleasure in inflicting pain. His pursuit of the prototype holographic projector fueled his ambition to become even more dangerous, placing him in direct conflict with an agent of the Imperial Security Bureau. His grayish skin possessed the ability to mimic the colors of its surroundings, providing him with natural camouflage. As is characteristic of his species, his lower body was composed of a long, serpentine tail, concealing a retractable spike at its tip. He was typically adorned in an ancient suit of power armor, featuring black, carapace-like plates and a fully enclosed helm. The armor was capable of generating a powerful force field, accompanied by a loud humming and crackling of energy.

Skills and abilities

En-Vahdi was a formidable combatant, demonstrating exceptional proficiency in the use of slugthrowers. His skills extended to stealth and tracking, and he possessed a remarkable ability to disable security systems. He also possessed a talent for interrogation.


Vallikor En-Vahdi's most cherished item was his Nullifier energy diffusion armor. This unique artifact provided insulation against energy weapons, such as blasters and lightsabers, through the generation of a force field. Due to his inability to fire blasters while the force field was active, he typically relied on slugthrowers and throwing knives. Additionally, he carried a hold-out blaster as a backup weapon, along with a couple of medpacs.

Behind the scenes

Paul Danner and Bill Smith conceived Vallikor En-Vahdi for Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy, a supplement for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games in 1997. Tom O'Neill provided the illustration for the character.


  • Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy (Initial mention)

Notes and references
