Valss was a Chiss individual of male gender who existed in the era of the Galactic War.

It was discovered that Valss possessed the ability to use the Force. Within the Chiss Ascendancy, this meant either being banished or refraining from utilizing those abilities under threat of execution. However, Valss was taken in by Syndic Zenta into the Inrokini family, who provided refuge for him on Copero, allowing him to continue honing his skills. In the year 3629 BBY, Zenta gave shelter to Theron Shan, a fugitive from the Eternal Alliance, on Copero. Valss aligned himself with Shan's mission, having foreseen Shan's triumph in a vision. Together, they acquired the location of a holomap from Zenta, which led to a superweapon belonging to the Sith Emperor Vitiate, and subsequently journeyed to its location. After discovering the superweapon's whereabouts, Shan destroyed the holomap. As they were preparing to depart, the Alliance Commander and Raina Temple arrived with the intention of stopping them. Valss remained behind to afford Shan the necessary time to escape, and in the end, he was defeated.