Vederiat Ayon, a Pilgrim of the Twi'lek species, was a female who resided on Tython during the time of the Cold War. This conflict occurred between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire.
Ayon, a female Twi'lek, was a member of the Pilgrims that journeyed to the world of Tython with Matriarch Kolovish following the Great Galactic War. She aided in the founding of Kalikori village and was appointed as the Minister of Flesh and Spirit, acting as both a spiritual guide and a healer for the pilgrims. As the Flesh Raiders, the planet's hostile natives, began attacking with increasing frequency, Ayon became convinced that an elixir was the cause of their heightened aggression. Unable to undertake the task herself, Ayon employed a visiting Padawan to eliminate the elixir, hoping to stop the raids. Odumis Mer then requested that the Padawan retain the elixir, believing that the pilgrims could utilize it for defense.