
The rainforest planet Verdanth existed within the Verdanth system. Its location held strategic importance, lying along both the Duros Space Run and the Sanrafsix Corridor. Furthermore, it was situated close to where the Grumani, Sanbra, and Bon'nyuw-Luq sectors met. The native species of Verdanth included creatures known as rimebats. During the era of the New Sith Wars, control of the planet was a frequent objective in conflicts between Sith Lords. Later, during the Galactic Civil War, Darth Vader attempted, without success, to capture Luke Skywalker on this world.


New Sith Wars

Vannar Treece, who briefly described Verdanth in his report.

During the time known as the Republic Dark Age, Verdanth served as a home for colonists from various species, including the Bothans. It became a frequent battleground for minor rulers and aspiring Sith Lords, with the title "Conqueror of Verdanth" changing hands every few years. Jedi Master Vannar Treece later estimated that Verdanth had been governed by seventeen different self-proclaimed Sith Lords since around 1032 BBY.

During this period, Narsk Ka'hane was raised on Verdanth by his aunt and worked as a slave for the various Sith Lords. During one of his tasks, which involved harvesting rimebats from the jungle planet's caves, Ka'hane wore a stealth suit for the first time.

Shortly before the Jedi-led initiative known as Operation Influx, Treece prepared a report for the Republic Supreme Chancellor Genarra concerning the planets within the Grumani sector and its neighboring regions. Within this report, Treece provided a short description of Verdanth, noting that the planet's jungles were still resisting the colonization efforts of the relocated refugees.

Galactic Civil War

One thousand and thirty-five years following this, during the Galactic Civil War, Darth Vader employed a seemingly wrecked shuttle as a trap to capture Luke Skywalker. However, Luke was rescued by R2-D2 and Han Solo.

Behind the scenes

Despite the The Knight Errant Gazetteer stating Verdanth's location as the Sanrafsix Corridor, the map of the Grumani sector that accompanies the document places it on the Duros Space Run.

