
Veroleem existed within the Unknown Regions as a planetary body.


This planet, a desolate desert world, served as a haven for colonists originating from the Galactic Republic. These individuals sought to distance themselves from what they perceived as an increasingly oppressive galactic administration. Naming the world in honor of their leader, the colonists asserted their ownership, drawn to its isolation and apparent lack of valuable resources.

Over time, their society underwent transformations. The group became progressively more reliant on converting outsiders to their cult and producing a narcotic substance known as kryotin powder to generate revenue. They dispatched missionaries to various worlds, compelling new adherents to renounce their previous lives and fully immerse themselves in the cult. While criminal syndicates from other planets attempted to profit by collaborating with the drug-producing cult, these efforts invariably failed due to recurring "accidents."

During the period of the Mandalorian Wars, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders assessed Veroleem, with some proposing the use of kryotin as a powerful biological weapon. This proposition was ultimately rejected, and Veroleem remained untouched throughout the conflicts. Following the Jedi Civil War and the subsequent loss of numerous Republic records, the original claim to the planet was invalidated. Consequently, a mining corporation from off-world (actually a front for the Exchange) laid claim to the planet, intending to extract Lommite. When the Council of Enlightened Elders initiated legal proceedings to contest this claim and conceal their activities from the wider galaxy, the Jedi Order became aware of the cult and its unethical recruitment practices, opposing their beliefs. As a result, the cult gradually shifted its strategies over several decades to avoid detection, curtailing its distribution of kryotin.

Millennia after the conclusion of the New Sith Wars and the restructuring of the Galactic Republic, the cult resumed its former practices, confident that the Jedi would have diminished capacity to investigate them due to their increased involvement with the Galactic Senate. During the Clone Wars, the Veroleemians maintained a stance of neutrality, while covertly supporting the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Upon Palpatine's ascension as Galactic Emperor, he repurposed the planet as a site for the disposal of political adversaries and criminals. However, the Rebel Alliance and its subsequent governing bodies never ascertained the planet's location. With the rise of the Galactic Empire under Darth Krayt, the Veroleem cultists once more initiated an aggressive recruitment campaign, secure in their belief that their world would remain forgotten.


  • The Unknown Regions

Notes and references
