Vima-Da-Boda's lightsaber

Vima-Da-Boda possessed a lightsaber that had been originally constructed around 10,000 BBY. Despite its origins as a protosaber, it had apparently undergone modifications throughout the years, such that by 10 ABY it hardly resembled the rudimentary, early lightsaber designs.

By the time 4000 BBY arrived, it resided on Ossus, remaining there among the other Jedi artifacts buried by the Cron Supernova. In 790 BBY, it was unearthed during an archaeological excavation, eventually finding its way into the possession of a Female Jedi Master. This particular Jedi Master then gifted it to her Padawan, who in turn passed it on to Vima-Da-Boda.

VimaDaBodasLightsaberDestruction-DarkEmpire4 Sidious destroying the lightsaber When Vima departed from the Jedi Order circa 100 BBY, she retained possession of the lightsaber, keeping it secured within a protective container. During 10 ABY, while on Nar Shaddaa, she entrusted it to Leia Organa Solo. On Byss, Leia employed it to sever the hand of an Imperial Sentinel, after which Palpatine triggered its detonation.

