Vima-Da-Boda's Master

A Jedi Master, who was male, provided his services to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the Golden Age of the Old Republic. Notably, he was responsible for the instruction and guidance of the Jedi known as Vima-Da-Boda.


This male individual, who possessed sensitivity to the Force, received his education in its ways from the Jedi Order. This occurred during a period of relative peace in the centuries following the Ruusan Reformations enacted by the Galactic Senate. He was raised as a Initiate within the Temple academy at the Coruscant Jedi Temple. Later, he was chosen by a wise Master to become her Padawan.

During his time training with his Master, she gifted him an ancient lightsaber, without revealing its origins. After they journeyed together across the galaxy, he achieved the rank of Jedi Master. Sometime between 200 and 100 BBY, he selected Vima-Da-Boda, then a young Initiate, to be his Padawan. Echoing his own experience, he presented her with the lightsaber, and she eventually became a Jedi Knight.


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