Vondruln was once a member of the Imperial Navy, holding the rank of officer. He was a Human and identified as male.
During the Galactic Civil War, Vondruln served as an advisor to Admiral Harkov during the Battle for Honor, a time when Harkov chose to betray the Empire and join the Rebel Alliance.
Vondruln told Harkov about Maarek Stele's assignment to the Victory-class Star Destroyer known as the Protector. Using this knowledge, Vondruln planned an incident intended to kill Stele, which ultimately triggered the events of the "Battle for Honor." Stele managed to survive this assassination attempt, escaping to the relative safety aboard the Nebulon-B2 frigate Osprey and the Secret Order. This escape ultimately led to the Galactic Empire's unearthing of Harkov's treachery.
Subsequently, Admiral Harkov had Vondruln killed as punishment for his failure to assassinate Stele.