The Battle for Honor represents a campaign executed by the Galactic Empire with the purpose of capturing and delivering justice to the turncoat, Admiral Harkov, who was located within the Parmel system. Subsequent to the events of the Aftermath of Hoth, Admiral Harkov made an arrangement to betray the Empire and join the Rebel Alliance in exchange for a substantial payment. The Secret Order of the Emperor became aware of Admiral Harkov's transgressions through the assistance of the skilled pilot, Maarek Stele. Stele actively participated in this campaign, playing a crucial role in the eventual capture of Admiral Harkov.
After the Conflict at Mylok IV, and the ceasefire within the Sepan system, Admiral Harkov began to finalize his agreements with the Rebel Alliance. During a clandestine meeting involving his closest advisors, Harkov was informed about the recent assignment of a new pilot to the Victory-class Star Destroyer named Protector. Harkov voiced his concerns regarding this pilot, suspecting him of being a spy, and he sought assistance from his aide, Vondruln, to address this issue. Vondruln, who was the source of the information, reassured the Admiral by stating, "There will be an accident, sir," and further elaborated, "He will not survive his next mission."
The Prophets of the Secret Order orchestrated the return of Imperial Ace Maarek Stele to the Protector. Stele's exceptional abilities and knowledge of Admiral Harkov made him an invaluable asset to the Order. The Prophets notified Stele that the questionable Imperial equipment and munitions discovered during the Sepan campaign exhibited a peculiar connection to supply shortages aboard Harkov's flagship. Agents of the Order convinced Stele that foul play was involved and emphasized that Stele was essential to the success of capturing Admiral Harkov.
Maarek Stele's initial assignment aboard the Protector involved demonstrating to two inexperienced pilots how a skilled pilot clears a minefield while flying an unshielded vessel. Agents of the Order cautioned Stele about the unnecessary risks associated with this task; furthermore, they urged him to remain vigilant and not hesitate to request reinforcements, as they had made "special arrangements."
Stele departed the Victory Star Destroyer Protector in a TIE Interceptor designated Gamma 1, accompanied by two additional Interceptors. Stele proceeded to eliminate the minefield surrounding four cargo containers. Admiral Harkov intercepted the comlink transmission as Stele destroyed Type A mines. Harkov suggested that Stele should move on, questioning his loyalty. Increasingly frustrated, Harkov declared the end of the charade. He referred to Stele as "the Emperor's stoolpigeon" and instructed Stele's supposedly "rookie" wingmen to destroy Stele's starfighter.

Stele requested reinforcements as his wingmen initiated their attack. The Nebulon-B2 frigate Osprey responded to the call, emerging from hyperspace. The Protector began launching TIE Avengers and TIE/sa bombers, which were promptly countered by loyalist TIE Interceptors from the Osprey. Imperial fighters engaged in a fierce exchange of laser fire as Stele diverted all power to his engines to evade the pursuing fighters.
The Light Calamari Cruiser Margaret arrived as Gamma 1 approached the safety of the Osprey's gun range. A Shuttle designated Lambda departed the Protector's hangar shortly after the arrival of the Margaret. The frigate Osprey instructed Stele to inspect the Lambda, curious about its cargo. Stele complied, hoping that the ongoing melee among Imperial starfighters would provide a degree of safety. The cursory inspection by Gamma 1 revealed an Officer aboard the Lambda, en route to the Cruiser Margaret.
Stele redirected his Interceptor toward the Osprey, which was six kilometers away, navigating through a chaotic battle between Imperial and Rebel starfighters, all while piloting an unshielded craft. As he neared the Osprey, Stele briefly contributed to the battle, eliminating several of Harkov's fighters with the assistance of the Osprey's laser batteries, and by diverting his laser generator power to his engines to overtake the much faster TIE Avengers. Once safely inside the hangar of the Osprey, an agent of the Secret Order met with Stele, assuring him that they now possessed undeniable evidence of Harkov's treachery.
Aboard the Protector, Admiral Harkov was enraged. Harkov reprimanded his advisors, particularly Vondruln. Harkov expressed his anger, as Stele had escaped, the Empire had discovered his treasonous scheme, and he no longer had any leverage to guarantee payment from the Rebellion, with the Empire now pursuing him. Reaching his breaking point, Harkov drew his blaster and executed Vondruln with a shot to the chest. Harkov concluded by ordering his men to clean up the mess and disappear.

Following the rescue of Maarek Stele, an operative of the Secret Order, Imperial forces initiated a search to locate the fleeing Admiral Harkov. Imperial commanders dispatched Assault Gunboat patrols to locate Harkov among Rebel outposts, where he was presumably acquiring supplies after his separation from Imperial logistics. Assault Gunboats from flight group Mu located the Protector after examining cargo containers in proximity to XQ1 Platform DS 5. After conducting reconnaissance of Harkov's logistical requirements, Gunboats Mu proceeded to destroy the valuable supplies. As a more isolated facility, DS 5 deployed antiquated Z-95 Headhunters, while also assembling a squadron of B-wing fighters to intercept the approaching Imperial scouts. As instructed, the Assault Gunboats retreated from the system upon the arrival of the Protector, easily prompted by the rapid deployment of TIE Avengers from the Protector's hangar.
After pinpointing Harkov's location, Gunboats from Mu returned to the system near Rebel outpost DS 5. Imperial Intelligence reported the transit of various cargo vessels heading toward Harkov's position. Assault Gunboats Mu were assigned the task of inspecting and destroying all incoming cargo vessels. Outfitted with Heavy Rockets, the Gunboats emerged from hyperspace approximately twenty kilometers from DS 5 and the Protector, awaiting any vessels that might arrive to resupply the traitor Harkov. Three bulk freighters from Karflo were the first to arrive, immediately intercepted by the four Gunboats from Mu, supported by four additional Gunboats from Rho. In the ensuing moments, Imperial Gunboats destroyed two Modular Conveyors SoroSuub, Container Transports Morgath 1 & 5, and two CR90 corvettes designated Sundog. By the time Imperial starfighters could eliminate the arriving convoy, TIE Avengers from the Victory Star Destroyer Protector had closed the distance on Gunboats Mu and Rho. Despite being outmatched and outgunned, Imperial fighters briefly displayed their strength by destroying a few of the superior Avengers before retreating to the safety of lightspeed.
Following the successful interception of the Rebel supply convoy, Imperial forces stranded Harkov's Star Destroyer Protector. Imperial leaders determined that this was the opportune moment to eliminate Harkov's fighter screen of TIE Avengers. Maintaining the pressure, Gunboat pilots from Mu integrated themselves into new TIE Avenger starfighters, thereby leveling the playing field against Harkov's relentless waves of Avengers encountered in previous missions. Avengers Mu returned to the system near platform DS 5 with orders to destroy as many enemy TIE Avengers as possible, aiming to eliminate at least fifty percent of Harkov's squadrons to facilitate the next phase of the attack. Agents of the Secret Order had instructed at least one pilot from group Mu to inspect any transport vessels that might enter the system, with the hope of determining Harkov's precise location. Imperial pilots observed two Cargo ferries laying a minefield around DS 5 as they engaged with incoming Avengers H-Beta. In the moments that followed, Imperial starfighters collided in a chaotic exchange of missile and laser fire. After completing the minefield, Harkov's Cargo Ferries entered hyperspace as rogue and loyalist TIE Avengers continued their intense dogfight. As loyalist starfighter pilots gained the advantage, a single fighter disengaged to inspect the new arrival from the Protector's hangar. Emerging from the Protector, Shuttle Toten headed toward platform DS 5, while the Protector subsequently prepared its hyperdrive engines. Avenger Mu 2 passed Shuttle Toten just before it entered the hangar, revealing Harkov inside. Imperial fighters had successfully eliminated the required initial half of Harkov's Avengers as two Alliance Assassin-class corvettes designated Wurger arrived. Mu 2 again diverted to inspect Wurger 1 and 2, and upon discovering troops aboard, Mu 2 proceeded to destroy corvettes Wurger single-handedly. With the successful destruction of numerous Avengers and Corvettes Wurger, Imperial starfighters departed the system to prepare for the final assault.

With Admiral Harkov confined to the platform, Imperial forces promptly deployed Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wings for a full-scale assault on the station. Gunboats Mu reemerged from hyperspace near DS 5, closely escorted by TIE Avengers from group Alpha. With the intention of capturing Admiral Harkov, the Imperial Gunboat's primary objective was to disable Platform DS 5 and any fleeing transport vessels, while the Avengers eliminated any intervening starfighters. Three minutes after the arrival of Imperial starfighters, Assault Transports Omega would join them to disable and seize any remaining vessels. Imperial fighters encountered Rebel A-wing and B-wing fighters shortly after their arrival. Dividing their forces, Gunboats and Avengers engaged incoming Rebel fighters while continuing their advance toward DS 5. The first transport vessel attempting to escape was a YT-1300 designated Geddawai. Gedddawai quickly succumbed to the relentless barrage of Ion cannon fire from an Imperial Gunboat. As it passed over the disabled Geddawai, Gunboat Mu 2's passive scanners detected Harkov onboard. With Geddawai disabled, the traitor Shuttle Toten lifted off from the platform, soon followed by Transport Kolermigon. Once again, Imperial Gunboats diverted, disabling Toten and Kolermigon with extreme prejudice. Shuttle Toten contained only a decoy; however, fleeing rebels occupied transport Kolermigon, destined to encounter Imperial Stormtroopers. Assault Transports Omega arrived precisely on schedule. With the transport vessels disabled, Imperial starfighters attended to the remaining rebel fighters and the class C minefield surrounding the station, further assisting Omega in capturing DS 5. With DS 5 disabled, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Garrett arrived from hyperspace. No sooner had Imperial forces begun cycling back to the Garrett to resupply, than a Nebulon-B frigate designated Olinor entered the system. Olinor launched Z-95 Headhunters in a final attempt to rescue the impending doom of Admiral Harkov. To compound matters, more Corvettes from Wurger arrived, soon joined by additional X-wing, B-wing, and A-wing fighters. The rebel force desperately attempted to thwart the capture operation, but to no avail, as Assault Transports had already moved into position. After sustaining significant damage to her shields, Frigate Olinor broke contact from Imperial Star Destroyer Garrett and fled the system, soon followed by Corvettes Wurger. Meanwhile, Rebel starfighters lingered in the system, swiftly destroyed by Imperial pilots.
Upon the arrival of the Corellian Transport Geddawai to the Imperial Star Destroyer Garrett, Imperial Stormtroopers escorted Admiral Harkov directly to Lord Vader. Accompanied by the ever-present ominous sound of his mechanical respiration, Vader greeted Harkov as Stormtroopers restrained him in the hatchway. Vader proceeded to interrogate Harkov regarding the location of his fleet, receiving no response. Utilizing the Force, the Dark Lord levitated Harkov from the deck plates, informing him of the impending punishment for his treachery against the Empire. With the closing of Vader's fist and a subtle scream, Harkov slumped to the deck, lifeless.
- Darth Vader
- Admiral Harkov
- General Maarek Stele
- Captain Trace (Hamo Blastwell)
- Vondruln
The Battle for Honor serves as Battle Five within the video game Star Wars: TIE Fighter.