
Vop the Usurer was a male Rodian of tyrannical nature, according to legends. His abrasive personality was well-known, as was the distinct smell of inexpensive raava that clung to him.


Ritinki, a Bimm, was Vop's principal adversary. To explore the possibility of forming an alliance, they arranged a meeting on the Ithorian Herdship known as the Song of the Clouds. While in the company of the Ithorians, Vop intended to buy a closed lockbox holding a notorious Hapan Gun of Command, a weapon coveted by numerous crime lords operating in the Outer Rim. Rintinki discovered these plans and, aiming to sabotage the deal and seize the gun for his own purposes, arranged for Vop's cyborg accountant, Lyle Lippstroot, to be taken out and substituted with a copy.

Neither crimelord realized that Guttu the Hutt also sought the lockbox and had sent a squad to steal it. When Vop and Ritinki's meeting took place, Vop was shot in the back during the resulting gun battle. Guttu's operatives seized the gun, opting to sell it to the Rebel Alliance for a profit instead.

