Vor Essen

Vor Essen was a Nagai scout and slave of Phylus Mon, identified as a male.


To prepare for the Nagai invasion of the adjacent "Skyriver" galaxy, scouts Vor Essen and his sibling Kor were tasked with entering the galaxy's world of gambling and organized crime. The brothers became captivated by the lifestyle they embraced, and as a result, they forsook their designated task.

Ultimately, around 20 BBY, Kor and Vor Essen were apprehended by Chevin slaver Phylus Mon and confined within Mon's slave zoo aboard the Animiasma. They possessed a strong desire for liberation.

If they encountered any potential rescuers, the Essens would attempt to offer them bribes consisting of self-fashioned Tehk'la blades or electromesh armor, because their belief was that all sentient beings were driven by tangible possessions rather than ethical principles.

An explosive device was surgically implanted near the heart of each of Phylus Mon's slaves. This explosive was designed to detonate upon Phylus Mon's demise, but it could also be neutralized by the impact of an ion weapon. Furthermore, all the slaves within Phylus Mon's zoo were subjected to consistent physical violence.

The mistreatment they endured under Mon caused the brothers to reevaluate their status within galactic society. Shortly before the commencement of the Clone Wars, Kor and Vor escaped alongside fellow prisoners, returning to their original assignment and resuming the collection of intelligence for the impending assault.

