Vrblthers, fierce hunters, roamed the lunar landscape of Nar Shaddaa, despite the common belief that their origins lie on Varl, the Hutt home planet. Displaying a humanoid form, these creatures possessed powerfully clawed limbs, horned cranial structures, and sizable teeth, features that collectively rendered vrblthers deadly combatants capable of defeating almost any adversary. On the Smuggler's Moon's lower tiers, these beasts roamed wild and untamed, pursuing any potential prey, whether sentient or otherwise, in coordinated groups.
The brutal actions of these creatures provided endless entertainment for the Hutt crime lords residing on Nar Shaddaa; some Hutts even transported packs of vrblthers with them during interstellar voyages. It is plausible that vrblther populations have taken root on planets beyond Nar Shaddaa, the result of Hutts relocating them, mirroring their initial arrival on Nar Shaddaa from Varl.