The WA-7 waitress droid represented a particular model of droid belonging to the WA-series, and it found common usage within establishments such as restaurants and diners. A notable example is FLO, a WA-7 droid that performed duties at Dex's Diner located on Coruscant. Furthermore, on the world of Stobar, the Plop Dribble's diner employed a WA-7 droid by the name of Marwigo. Evidence suggests that the Gilroy Plaza Diner also had at least one WA-7 droid on staff. During the "scourge of the droids," a WA-7 droid was in service aboard the Rebel Alliance starship known as the Silver Arrow, which was targeted in an attack by the Scourge. This WA-7, along with the entirety of the ship's droid contingent, was contaminated, transforming it into a host for the Scourge, ultimately resulting in the demise of all organic life on board. Later, when Magna Tolvan's crew launched an investigation into the Silver Arrow's disappearance and subsequently boarded the vessel, the Scourge exploited the WA-7, alongside the other compromised droids, to stage an ambush against them.