The Walin'or cell was a component unit of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. It was based in the Walin'or system found within the Shiwal sector of the Mid Rim's territories. Around five standard months prior to 2 ABY, Patel Odfath, an agent working for the Alliance, held several highly secure datafiles. These files held sensitive information concerning the operational activities of Alliance cells located in both the Shiwal sector and the Cademimu sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Subsequently, Odfath was apprehended by the bounty hunter known as Lu'daal-ud. The Alliance operated under the assumption that Lu'daal-ud had retained possession of the datafiles. The Alliance estimated that the potential sale of these files by Lu'daal-ud to the Galactic Empire would put the lives of roughly one thousand operatives at risk. These operatives were active in the area spanning from the Walin'or cell to the Tierfon Rebel Outpost situated in the Expansion Region.
Alliance Intelligence Reports, a 1995 sourcebook produced by West End Games for their Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, included a reference to the Walin'or cell.