The Walin'or system resided within the Shiwal sector, which itself was situated in the New Territories region of the Mid Rim. A hyperspace route linked this star system to both the Mapuzo system found in the Hollan sector, as well as the Belukat system located in the Expansion Region.
The Walin'or cell of the Rebel Alliance originated in the Walin'or system. By the time 12 ABY rolled around, Walin'or had become a fortified position for the New Republic. During that year, the New Republic fleet carrier called the Endurance passed through the Walin'or system as part of a military campaign aimed at the forces belonging to the Imperial Remnant.
The 2009 reference work, The Essential Atlas, written by Daniel Wallace together with Jason Fry, was the first to mention the Walin'or system, locating it at grid coordinate M-7. The system's name was incorrectly rendered as "Walinor" on a map of the Mid Rim that was included in the book.