
Warlug was among the nine Gamorrean inhabitants of Jabba's Palace, belonging to the Groogrun clan.


Warlug was assigned the role of a Gamorrean slaver by Ortugg, and similar to his peers, he served as a guard under the service of Jabba the Hutt.

Rather than accompanying his Gamorrean comrades on their trip to the Dune Sea aboard Jabba's sail barge, a journey culminating in the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon, Warlug remained at Jabba's Palace alongside Tornik, a Human guard, indulging in heavy drinking. Upon receiving news of Jabba's death, Yarna d'al' Gargan encountered the two intoxicated individuals, who, in their inebriated state, attempted to sexually assault her. Fortunately, Sergeant Doallyn intervened just as they were about to perpetrate the vile deed, shielding her from harm. He shot the Gamorrean from behind, subsequently fleeing into the desert with Yarna. Warlug was fortunate enough to survive the ordeal and retreated alongside Tornik.

