Way of the Jedi (episode)

"Way of the Jedi," the sixth installment of the radio drama adaptation of The Empire Strikes Back, was broadcasted via National Public Radio on March 21, 1983. This episode presents an adaptation of events depicted in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, primarily focusing on the commencement of Luke Skywalker's Jedi training on the planet Dagobah.

Opening crawl

Plot summary

Artoo-Detoo and Luke Skywalker are on their way to Dagobah aboard their X-wing fighter. As they navigate through thick clouds, the ship's sensors fail, forcing Luke to fly without instruments. Luke instructs Artoo to prepare for a crash landing as the ship goes down.

Captain Needa informs Vader aboard Darth Vader's flagship that the Millennium Falcon has been lost within the Hoth asteroid field and is presumed destroyed. Vader, however, is convinced that the ship remains intact and its crew alive, demanding that the search efforts continue. Admiral Piett then approaches, relaying the Emperor's command for Vader to establish communication. Vader proceeds to his communications chamber, where the Emperor reveals that Luke Skywalker has caused a disturbance in the Force, posing a significant threat. Vader outlines his strategy to capture the Falcon, using it as a means to draw Luke to him. He intends to either convert Luke into an ally or eliminate him.

Having crash-landed in a shallow marsh on Dagobah, Luke and Artoo find themselves in a precarious situation. Artoo plunges into the water, where an unseen creature attempts to devour him. Luckily, the droid proves to be an unappetizing meal and is ejected onto dry land. Luke sets up camp, contemplating whether he has made a grave error. While consuming rations, he and Artoo are taken aback by a peculiar "green gnome" who peppers them with intrusive questions, samples Luke's food, and rummages through his belongings. Luke endeavors to dismiss him, but the stranger identifies Yoda as the Jedi Master Luke seeks. He invites Luke to his hut for a more satisfying meal.

Within the confines of the hut, Luke resists the stranger's attempts to be welcoming. He inquires about locating Yoda and the possibility of their departure. He also mentions his pursuit of the individual responsible for his father's death. Finally, the frustrated creature exclaims, "I cannot train this one. The boy lacks patience, Obi-Wan." To Luke's astonishment, the spirit of Ben Kenobi responds that he will learn. Luke, suddenly realizing that the creature is Yoda himself, pleads to be trained, asserting his readiness. Following encouragement from Kenobi and a sincere commitment from Luke, Yoda consents to commence the training.

The following morning, Yoda prepares breakfast and greets Artoo, who remains outside the window due to his inability to fit inside the hut. Luke awakens and embarks on his initial training session. As a starting point, Luke runs a considerable distance with Yoda riding on his back. Yoda imparts knowledge about the essence of the Force and its opposing sides of Light and Dark. The Dark Side offers power swiftly and effortlessly, but it will ultimately consume a Jedi. When Luke begins to question why he cannot occasionally harness the Dark Side, Yoda abruptly concludes the lesson and instructs Luke to clear his mind. However, Luke detects death and evil within a nearby cave. Yoda advises him to enter unarmed, but Luke disregards this advice and takes his weapons. A vision of Vader materializes, lightsaber in hand. Luke confronts him aggressively and overpowers him, only to discover his own face beneath the mask. He comprehends that Light and Dark are in conflict within himself.

Behind the scenes

"Way of the Jedi" specifically names and showcases rootleaf, the stew prepared by Yoda for Luke. A promotional campaign associated with The Empire Strikes Back radio drama featured a rootleaf recipe created by food writer Craig Claiborne. This recipe was disseminated through newspapers and magazines across the United States in the lead-up to the drama's broadcast on NPR.


In the radio episode, additional lines of dialogue are incorporated to enrich scenes that are otherwise directly adapted from the film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. Luke makes three separate allusions to feelings of vengeance he harbors against Vader: once within the hut before he recognizes Yoda, once during his training, and finally upon witnessing the image of Darth Vader. These new lines underscore the presence of the Dark Side in Luke's thoughts, setting the stage for the vision of his own face concealed beneath Vader's mask.


