We Don't Do Weddings: The Band's Tale (audio drama)

The audio drama titled "We Don't Do Weddings: The Band's Tale" was a completely acted out audio version of the short story "We Don't Do Weddings: The Band's Tale," penned by Kathy Tyers for the Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina anthology. John Beach served as the narrator, and Bantam Doubleday originally released it on cassette in July of 1995. On February 20, 2007, Random House Audio made it available as a digital release.

Publisher's summary

The Star Wars film trilogy has captured the imaginations of people worldwide like few other stories. Now, venture beyond the films themselves, and explore tales that continue past the closing credits, experiencing the further exploits of the quirky and memorable characters from the famous Mos Eisley cantina scene featured in the initial Star Wars movie. This dramatically presented, digitally created audio recording, filled with original Star Wars music and immersive stereo sound effects, brings the alien locations visited by iconic figures such as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Darth Vader, and Jabba the Hutt to vibrant and unforgettable life.

We Don't do Weddings

The Band's Tale

Figrin Da'n and the Modal Nodes, the bouncing Bith musicians, who are official members of the Intergalactic Federation of Musicians, were exclusively contracted to perform at Jabba's Palace. While performing, Jabba's primary competitor dispatched E522, a refurbished assassin droid, to extend an offer that was impossible to decline.

Figrin D'an refused to perform at weddings. However, Lady Valerian brought a Whipid mate from her home planet and was determined to have a lavish wedding ceremony. Due to Figrin Da'n's significant gambling debts, the sum of three thousand credits would greatly improve his financial situation. However, before the wedding cake could be served, Lady Val's bounty hunter groom took Jabba's lure, abandoned the wedding to search for Han Solo, and the celebration devolved into deadly chaos.

This unique Star Wars audio drama presentation includes a continuous and richly layered mix of environmental sounds, along with authentic Star Wars sound effects. Enhanced with John Williams' original Star Wars score and original Bith band compositions, We Don't Do Weddings offers truly extraordinary listening entertainment.



  • ISBN 9780553473933 ; Released in July 1995; Published by Bantam Doubleday Dell Audio Publishing; Available on Cassette tape [1]
  • ISBN 9780553455403 ; Released in July 1995; Published by Bantam Doubleday Dell Audio Publishing; Available on Compact disc [4]
  • ISBN 9780553754759 ; Released on February 20, 2007; Published by Random House Audio; Available as a Digital audiobook [3]


