
As an agent of the Galactic Republic, Welkins, a male Human, participated in the Cold War against the reconstituted Sith Empire. He was dispatched to the planet of Taris during this conflict to investigate reports concerning the illicit sale of the chemical substance Titroxinate on the planet's black market. His investigation led him to an abandoned ChemWorks Factory within the ruins of Taris, which he identified as the source of the illicit chemical. He then enlisted a team of Republic heroes to raid the factory, instructing them to recover any Titroxinate they found and deliver it to him. The heroes accomplished their mission, and he provided individual rewards to each of them.


During the Cold War, a period of galactic tension between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire that followed the Great Galactic War, Welkins, a male Human, served in the Republic's military forces. He held the position of agent and was stationed on the Republic-controlled planet of Taris, a world located within the Taris system in the Outer Rim Territories.

At that time, the planet's sprawling ecumenopolis was still undergoing reconstruction as part of the Taris Resettlement Initiative, a project initiated after the devastating bombardment by Sith Lord Darth Malak during the Jedi Civil War, as well as the lingering effects of the Rakghoul plague. While stationed on Taris, Welkins became aware of the black market sale of Titroxinate, a chemical suspected of contributing to the Rakghoul plague. His investigation traced the source of the chemical to a dilapidated ChemWorks Factory, which, despite its near-collapse state, still contained canisters of Titroxinate.

One of the Titroxinate canisters in the ChemWorks

Welkins, based at Waypoint Station Draay, the nearest Republic outpost to the factory, sought to recover the chemicals. He requested a group of trusted Republic heroes, each engaged in their own missions on Taris, to undertake this task. This group included Hotshot, a smuggler; the Jedi known as the Hero of Tython; the Jedi Consular who would later become the Barsen'thor; and the leader of Havoc Squad at the time. They ventured to the factory, battled numerous Rakghouls, and successfully retrieved the stored Titroxinate. Upon their return, the heroes delivered the chemical canisters to Welkins, who expressed his gratitude and rewarded each of them with equipment and credits.

Personality and traits

Welkins was a Human male with tanned skin, brown hair, and brown eyes, fluent in Galactic Basic. Despite his military occupation, he was noticeably overweight and wore armor on Taris for protection against the planet's numerous dangers.

Behind the scenes

Welkins made his debut appearance in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by BioWare and released on December 20, 2011. He is featured in the Republic storyline on Taris, where he assigns players the quest titled Toxic heirlooms at Waypoint Station Draay.

