Well of the World Brain

The structure known as the Well of the World Brain was the new designation for the Senate Building following its transformation into a repository for the World Brain of Yuuzhan'tar.

Resembling the form of a Yuuzhan Vong cranium, the Building's metallic components were consumed by yorik coral, extending far below the surface. This process fortified the Well with an unbreachable barrier, resistant to concussion missiles and attacks from orbit—potentially even withstanding a planet's destruction, thereby enabling the World Brain to endure as an independent, protected entity. A hedge maze composed of ritualistic trees marked the primary entry to the Well. These trees possessed the hardiness of durasteel and featured needles loaded with toxins, varying in length from thumb-sized to forearm-sized.

In Jacen Solo's deceptive endeavor to offer Ganner Rhysode as a sacrifice to the World Brain, Ganner repelled numerous Yuuzhan Vong Warriors, thus achieving legendary status among both the Jeedai heretics and the Warrior caste. During the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar, Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, together with the Priest Harrar, journeyed to the Well with the intention of hindering the World Brain from obliterating Coruscant.

