Weren Dal, a Kel Dor female Jedi Knight, fought in the Clone Wars. While flying over the planet Dathomir, Separatist forces shot her ship down.
During the Clone Wars, Weren Dal held the rank of General in the Grand Army of the Republic, serving as a Jedi Knight. Towards the conflict's conclusion, Dal's Delta-6 was downed over Dathomir by CIS starfighters at the command of Separatist General Teaok.
Dal, although badly hurt, lived through the crash, which occurred in the northern part of the planet. She brought her astromech with her and found a cave close by to use as protection. Dal built a cot to rest on, but she passed away in the cave. The droid's disassembled parts, a lockbox holding its memory core, and her broken lightsaber were all left next to her.