A female Human named Wilst Molan, originating from Coruscant, was a regular at the Outlander Club, situated within the Uscru Entertainment District on that very planet. She, along with her companions Nyrat Agira and Di Mantid, frequented the establishment with the goal of attracting a wealthy and influential partner. During the year 22 BBY, while present at the club, she engaged in a friendly rivalry with Nyrat Agira for the distinction of being the best-dressed individual present.
Wilst Molan was a Human woman born on the world of Coruscant. She often visited the Outlander Club, a place located in Coruscant's Uscru Entertainment District. Molan, alongside Nyrat Agira and Di Mantid, were regulars that went to the club hoping to find a rich and powerful mate. Molan was often seen dancing, leading many to believe she was a hired dancer at the club.

One evening in 22 BBY, Molan was inside the club with Agira and Mantid, standing near the bar when Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker came in searching for the bounty hunter Zam Wesell. Later, she walked through the club as Skywalker looked for Wesell. She and Agira and Mantid were competing for who was the best dressed at the club. However, her dress was not as charismatic as Agira's outfit.
Molan was a captivating and statuesque woman, associated with Nyrat Agira and Di Mantid. Although they seemed to be friends, they were actually in intense competition for the informal title of "best dressed Outlander patron," a title that Agira frequently claimed. She possessed fair skin, dark hair, and brown eyes. When at the Outlander Club, her hair was styled in two cone-like shapes, reminiscent of the Gotal species.
At the Outlander Club, Molan was seen wearing a sleek, shimmering blue dress, a forehead medallion, and silver shoes that increased her height, typically worn by hired dancers. She also used Thoadeye-style makeup around her eyes. The outfit did not have the same appeal as what Agira wore at the time.
Wilst Molan made her debut in the prequel trilogy movie Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, which premiered on May 16, 2002. The Outlander Club scenes, featuring Molan played by an uncredited extra, were filmed at Fox Studios, Sydney on July 17, 2000. Before the film's release, the character was initially shown in the documentary "A Twinkle Beyond Pluto," released on July 31, 2001, and identified in the StarWars.com article "Making Up is Hard to Do: Lesley Vanderwalt," published on February 15, 2002.
In a picture within the 2003 web article "Cantina Roll-Call: Shedding Light on Some Alien Aliases," Molan was named Nogo Molana, a name that hasn't appeared anywhere else. In the April 6, 2004 article "Who's Who in the Outlander Club: It's Ladies' Night," published in issue seventy-fifth of the Star Wars Insider magazine, author Daniel Wallace called Molan one of the most difficult characters to identify in the Outlander Club.