Winera held the title of Princess within the realm of Daimar. She was born to Erra of the esteemed Lamont Dynasty of Daimar, and her paternal grandfather was Mitar, who reigned as king of Daimar throughout the concluding years of the era of the Galactic Republic.
Winera, a Human female, entered the world through birth within the Lamont Dynasty of Daimar. This royal family governed the planet of Daimar during the final years of the Galactic Republic. She was the offspring of Princess Erra and the granddaughter of Mitar, the king of Daimar.
Soon after the formation of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the Empire initiated a blockade that surrounded Daimar. Worried about Wilena's safety and determined to keep her from being captured by Imperial forces or suffering from starvation due to the blockade's effects, King Mitar dispatched Winera, accompanied by Senator Alet Komain and the Jedi Shen-Ji Collun. Their mission was to locate Winera's uncle, Prince Torrin, who was leading an anti-Imperial resistance movement on the planet of Byrsym.