Winstel Greelanx

Winstel Greelanx was a male Human who held the rank of Admiral within the structure of the Imperial Navy.


In the year 4 BBY, under the command of Moff Sarn Shild, Greelanx led an Imperial assault force with the mission to lay waste to Nar Shaddaa. This directive originated from Palpatine, who sought to suppress Rebel operations within the Empire. Han Solo, dispatched by Jiliac and Jabba, approached Greelanx with an offer of a bribe from the Hutts of Nal Hutta to dissuade him from attacking Nar Shaddaa. The Hutts gave Greelanx the ability to set his own price. Instead of simply losing the battle, Greelanx provided Solo with a copy of his tactical battle plans, enabling the smugglers to formulate an effective defensive strategy. Greelanx accepted the bribe, consisting of valuable gems, with the intention of retiring immediately following the staged "invasion" of Nar Shaddaa.

Unexpectedly, Greelanx received instructions through a highly secure communication channel, reserved solely for the Emperor's use, directing him to simulate defeat and allow Nar Shaddaa to survive. Perplexed by this unexpected development, Greelanx launched a half-hearted attack on Nar Shaddaa, much to the dismay and irritation of his subordinate, Captain Soontir Fel. When the smugglers mounted a surprisingly robust defense, destroying multiple Imperial vessels, Greelanx ordered a retreat and withdrew from Hutt Space.

Following the Battle of Nar Shaddaa, Solo fulfilled his promise to Greelanx by delivering the precious gems. However, before Solo could depart, one of Greelanx's superiors arrived and expressed extreme anger at the battle's outcome. From within a closet, Solo overheard Darth Vader suffocated Greelanx.

Bria Tharen believed that Greelanx had been instructed by the Emperor to intentionally lose the battle in order to undermine Moff [Sarn Shild](/article/sarn_shild], who Palpatine felt was becoming too ambitious. After Shild's suicide, Vader was simply eliminating a remaining loose end.

