Wiorkettle, a Snivvian, resided on Cloud City during the administration of Lando Calrissian. He was an employee of Planet Dreams, Incorporated, a corporation specializing in terraforming asteroids and otherwise uninhabitable planets, transforming them by creating suitable atmospheres.
Wiorkettle held the position of chief artist at Planet Dreams, responsible for the aesthetic design of the environments they engineered. He held equal partnership in the company alongside Treva Horme, a Lutrillian, and Ozz, an Ugnaught. Around 2 ABY, the partners decided to move their primary business offices to Cloud City on Bespin.
The three executives at Planet Dreams were contemplating the sale of private, hovering platforms within Bespin's Life Zone when Ozz brought to light the fact that someone was stealing money and terraforming equipment from the company. Ozz pledged to investigate, but his efforts were cut short in 3 ABY when the Galactic Empire arrived and seized control of the city. The partners came to the decision to download all their files and evacuate. While Horme and Wiorkettle followed through with this plan, Ozz went missing. After fleeing Bespin, the remaining partners relocated to the Oseon asteroid belt.

Wiorkettle was a background character portrayed by the actor Cathy Munro in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, though it remains uncertain if he appears in the film's final cut. The character was most prominently featured in behind-the-scenes photographs and promotional material for the movie, invariably appearing alongside another background character, Treva Horme. Artwork originating from a coloring book from 1980 that was based on the film, is modeled on one of these promotional images.
Wiorkettle and Horme were not given names until the second edition of West End Games' Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back in 1996. The names were officially assigned to the film characters in the Cloud City Limited set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game in 1997.
- The Empire Strikes Back Coloring Book (1980)
- Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, Second Edition (First mentioned)
- Star Wars Customizable Card Game — Cloud City Limited (Card: Wiorkettle) (backup link) (First identified as Wiorkettle)
- Star Wars: The Action Figure Archive (Picture only)
- " The Last Page: The Rogues Gallery " — Star Wars Insider 48