Planet Dreams, Incorporated

Planet Dreams, Inc., also known as Planet Dreams, Incorporated, was a business that specialized in engineering habitable areas via planetscaping of asteroids or otherwise making hostile planets livable through the use of domes and similar technologies. The company operated multiple franchises across the galaxy, primarily concentrated in asteroid belts within the Mestra system and Oseon, as well as on planets throughout the Greater Javin region. Its clientele typically consisted of wealthy individuals and organizations, such as the Tagge family and Lynciro Corp.


Around 2 ABY, the business was co-owned by three equal shareholders — Treva Horme, Wiorkettle, and Ozz — who moved their primary business location to Bespin's Cloud City. They also had plans to establish a branch office within the Tingel Arm sector.

The Planet Dreams partners were in the process of evaluating the potential sale of personalized hovering platforms within Bespin's Life Zone, at which point Ozz brought to light the fact that someone was stealing funds and terraforming equipment from the organization. Ozz promised to investigate, but his efforts were disrupted in 3 ABY when the Galactic Empire arrived and assumed control of the city. The partners made the decision to download all of their data and leave, but while Horme and Wiorkettle stuck to the plan, Ozz vanished. After their escape from Bespin, the remaining partners returned to the Oseon asteroid belt.

By 43 ABY, Cix Trouvee had risen to the position of vice president at the company, a role he maintained until his passing in that same year.

