Treva Horme

Treva Horme, a Female Lutrillian, held the key roles of chief sales representative and executive planner at Planet Dreams, Incorporated. She was also responsible for financial oversight and monitoring production timelines.


Alongside the Snivvian Wiorkettle and the Ugnaught Ozz, the diligent Horme shared equal ownership of Planet Dreams, Incorporated. Her association with the Outer Javin Company, serving clients like TaggeCo and Lynciro Corporation, significantly contributed to her recognition. Around 2 ABY, the company relocated its main headquarters to Cloud City on Bespin.

Horme running past Lando Calrissian during the evacuation of Cloud City

While the three Planet Dreams executives contemplated marketing private hovering platforms within Bespin's Life Zone, Ozz discovered the embezzlement of funds and terraforming equipment from their enterprise. Ozz pledged to investigate, but his efforts were cut short in 3 ABY when the Galactic Empire arrived and seized control of the city. The partners made the choice to download their data and escape, however while Horme and Wiorkettle adhered to the plan, Ozz vanished. After their escape from Bespin, the remaining partners relocated to the Oseon asteroid belt.

Horme possessed fluency in Basic and her native Lutrillian language, and she also demonstrated proficiency in Rodian.

Behind the scenes

Horme and Wiorkettle on Cloud City

Steve Meek portrayed Treva Horme as a background performer in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back; however, she is barely visible in the film beyond a blurry figure. The character gained prominence through behind-the-scenes shots and promotional images for the film, consistently appearing alongside Wiorkettle, another background character. Artwork featured in a 1980 coloring book inspired by the film is based on one of these promotional photographs, and Horme is also seen in the foreground of a panel in Marvel Comics' adaptation of the movie.

Treva Horme and Wiorkettle were not given names until the second edition of West End Games' Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back in 1996. These names were retroactively applied to the film characters within the Cloud City Limited set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game in 1997.

