Wookiee dual missile turret

The Wookiee Dual Launcher, also known as the Wookiee dual missile turret, was a defensive anti-air weapon system. These turret emplacements were individually crafted by Wookiee artisans and saw action in the Clone Wars. During this conflict, the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems were at war. Each turret held a pair of missiles with explosive warheads, housed within two launch tubes. Although its firing rate was slow, its missiles could penetrate the hull of a starship. This made the launcher ideal for defending Wookiees against threats from Trandoshan or Separatist forces. During the events of 19 BBY, Delta Squad, a unit of clone commandos, utilized several Wookiee dual missile turrets to obliterate a Separatist cruiser during their mission on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk.


The Wookiee Dual Launcher, alternatively called the Wookiee dual missile turret, was a defensive anti-aircraft weapon, uniquely constructed by Wookiee turret manufacturers. It featured a level base and an elevated gunnery platform. A lone operator could defend an area from aerial attacks from this platform, protected by two physical shields, both colored in shades of brown with golden accents. Two sizable, gray launch tubes were used to launch missiles tipped with explosive warheads. The launcher's rate of fire was a drawback, but the powerful missiles were capable of piercing the hull of a starship. With sustained fire, it could even destroy a cruiser. The turret proved most effective when targeting large airborne threats rather than ground-based units.


The Wookiee dual missile turret saw combat during the Clone Wars, a period of conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Wookiees, aligned with the Republic, used these emplacements to ward off aerial assaults from Trandoshan or Separatist forces. During this time, specifically in 19 BBY, the clone commandos of the Republic's Delta Squad were sent to the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk. There, they utilized several Wookiee dual missile turrets to destroy a Separatist Recusant-class light destroyer.

Behind the scenes

The turret made its debut appearance on the LucasArts website, promoting the 2005 video game Star Wars: Republic Commando. It was initially labeled as the "Wookie Dual Launcher," with a misspelling of "Wookiee." Within the game itself, it was properly identified as a Wookiee dual missile turret. The 2008 novel Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel by Karen Traviss describes the Wookiee emplacement differently, depicting it as a turbolaser battery equipped with a seat rather than the standing platform for the gunner that was shown in the video game.

