The Wookiee Liberation Front, also known as WOLF, was an organization that came into being on the planet of Cularin in the era of the Clone Wars. Under the leadership of the Five Masters, and appearing to consist entirely of children, its members were characterized by their vibrant, flowing cloaks and the use of illuminated poles for movement. After deciding to establish their headquarters on Cularin, the Five Masters engaged in discussions with Barnab Chistor to secure the land and construction of the Academy.
Despite the ambiguity surrounding its origins, the true narrative behind the organization's formation was somewhat humiliating for its participants. It originated when Meelo and her companions acted after one of their group was captured by the Metatheran Cartel. Meelo spearheaded an attempt to infiltrate the cartel's base, but their efforts were quickly thwarted. Although Meelo successfully freed her comrade, the Jawa named Keth-Keth tried to distract the captors by exclaiming "Free Kashyyyk". Despite being a deception, the Wookiee Liberation Front gained significant media attention on local holonews channels, eventually evolving into a genuine entity that directed funds and resources to aid the Wookiees of Kashyyyk in their struggle to expel the Separatist forces attempting to seize control of their native planet.