The X10-D draft droid represented a type of droid engineered by the Trandoshan species specifically for performing manual tasks. Their design allowed them to manipulate objects that Trandoshans, hindered by their claws, found difficult to handle. Ownership of a draft droid was restricted; only individuals recognized as deserving by the Scorekeeper—specifically, those who had accumulated a notable record of Wookiee kills—were permitted to possess one.
The X10-D's physical stature exceeded 3 meters in height, and it featured extendable arms capable of spanning a 3-meter range. Its locomotion was facilitated by treaded feet. Notably, these droids lacked internal cognitive modules or behavioral matrices, necessitating control from a centralized computing system.
Bossk, a bounty hunter, at one time possessed a red and bronze X10-D, which he employed on his ship, known as the Hound's Tooth. The droid underwent a peculiar modification where its original programming was overwritten by the consciousness of Flirt.
In a separate incident, the Bartokk Queen and her hive commandeered several X10-Ds, secretly integrating miniature plasma bombs into their systems as part of a scheme to assault Corulag Academy.